I'm totally not kidding when I say this will be quick... maybe I will add to it in the morning, because its midnight and I need sleep.
So, neurologist, sucks. She says I need to see an endochronologist (spelling may be off i don't know!) but she'll just run some blood work instead, so not to inconvenience me.
I'm going to get botox injections to help treat my current migraines. I ask, oh does it hurt? Yes. Ohh kay then. I shouldn't have asked.
I tell her my family doctor recommends a follow MRI to see if its a tumor and if its growing. "well then he can refer you for one." Alrighty then lady. Sorry to step on your almighty "neurologist" toes.
I fought with her, I get a follow up in a year to see if its grown if it is - its a pituitary tumor. If not its a cyst.
I had a visitor this evening. It was fun. What does that mean?
I am supposed to go out this weekend on Saturday (my mom's orders!), do something fun ~ what is that again?
Dr. ordered more sleep, she said 4 hours a night is causing more migraines. I told her I can't get everything done in a day with less sleep. I already dont get everything done as it is. We settled at 5 hours a night. Grr.
Dr. Ordered eating 5-6 meals a day. Going to be tough since I only eat 2 now. PLUS she specified they can't be from my 5 food groups... chocolate, chips, candy, pop, and deep fried. GRRR! I said I would do anything to live again. I meant it. Crap, so I put my foot in my mouth because now I have to drink water too. Great. I hate water. OH well, lets see how I do. today I ate dinner. honeycombs for breakfast, peanutbutter marshmellowy square at 8 am, 2pm chocolate macaroon haystack. I'm doing great. OH, and 2 cans of coke. No water. Oops. I guess I'll try again tomorrow.
My little family
This is me and my 3 kids in banff its our favorite place to go!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Random thoughts
Well, another day, another killer migraine. I'm sure 3 and a half hours sleep last night didn't help with that. Thank goodness for a wonderful sister in the church who had offered to bring dinner by last week, and I had rain checked. I managed to cash that one in at the most perfect time. Seems like these days dinner is such a hard time.
I am getting anxious for tomorrow. I tried distracting myself by my usual method - shopping. Not that we bought much. River got a yo-yo and I got a camisole that I have been "needing". (Ok, a color that I wanted to match the suit jacket I haven't been wearing without the cami! That is a NEED!) Besides it was only a couple dollars, and it filled another need in me :) Bad Tara! I know, the shopaholic in me is still trying to sneak its way out. What can I say, I enjoy shopping?
So now with bed time here, and the appointment tomorrow, I am nervous again. I had been talking to a friend who informed me that it may not be as clear cut as I had hoped. (Of course). I think right now, I just need to stop thinking all together, and pray. I quit praying for my wants a while ago. I have been praying for God's will to be done. Ever since I had my patriarchal blessing in December (basically a life long blessing of guidance and counsel given to me personally) I have had a strong understanding and just a knowledge that the Lord has a great plan for me and my family in this life, that I am not meant to struggle forever. I have decided to put my full faith in him, and that knowledge, and let what comes be what may, as I know it is his will. Especially the more I am striving to live his will, and follow his counsel.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about how on earth I will ever meet someone to invite to share the gospel with for the missionary challenge this week. I hate to fail. Again, take that back to one of my perfectionist tendencies. I wouldn't say I was a perfectionist, I am far from it, and i have actually been getting better over the years (scary thought) but it still largely effects my life. The worst part is ~ I'm working on it. I can't tell. Ha!! I like things perfect though, the idea of accepting a less than perfect standard just to "heal" myself is an irritating thought. lol. I have dirty floors from time to time, and a messy house, my hair isn't always perfect. I make lots of mistakes. Heck just read my blog! So its not that bad. Just don't ask me how it is effecting my life in a negative way. :)
I am getting anxious for tomorrow. I tried distracting myself by my usual method - shopping. Not that we bought much. River got a yo-yo and I got a camisole that I have been "needing". (Ok, a color that I wanted to match the suit jacket I haven't been wearing without the cami! That is a NEED!) Besides it was only a couple dollars, and it filled another need in me :) Bad Tara! I know, the shopaholic in me is still trying to sneak its way out. What can I say, I enjoy shopping?
So now with bed time here, and the appointment tomorrow, I am nervous again. I had been talking to a friend who informed me that it may not be as clear cut as I had hoped. (Of course). I think right now, I just need to stop thinking all together, and pray. I quit praying for my wants a while ago. I have been praying for God's will to be done. Ever since I had my patriarchal blessing in December (basically a life long blessing of guidance and counsel given to me personally) I have had a strong understanding and just a knowledge that the Lord has a great plan for me and my family in this life, that I am not meant to struggle forever. I have decided to put my full faith in him, and that knowledge, and let what comes be what may, as I know it is his will. Especially the more I am striving to live his will, and follow his counsel.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about how on earth I will ever meet someone to invite to share the gospel with for the missionary challenge this week. I hate to fail. Again, take that back to one of my perfectionist tendencies. I wouldn't say I was a perfectionist, I am far from it, and i have actually been getting better over the years (scary thought) but it still largely effects my life. The worst part is ~ I'm working on it. I can't tell. Ha!! I like things perfect though, the idea of accepting a less than perfect standard just to "heal" myself is an irritating thought. lol. I have dirty floors from time to time, and a messy house, my hair isn't always perfect. I make lots of mistakes. Heck just read my blog! So its not that bad. Just don't ask me how it is effecting my life in a negative way. :)
It all makes a difference
I have had quite a few people call me this weekend, or send a message of love and support, aunts I haven't heard from in years, family, and friends. It has helped me to be so much stronger, I truly feel the strength of every one's prayers and I am so grateful for them. I don't know what I would do with out the love I feel from each one of you who has sent me a message, or called. It really helps to know you are thinking of me, especially considering I'm still only in the phase of unsurity and waiting for answers. I know that if bigger crisis hits I will have people there for me, to call on, to lift my spirits. Some times in this life I think we forget how much others need that. Even when we might not be able to do much else, a message, or a call means so much. So Thank you to all of you. It has helped me to go from panic and stressed to a feeling of I can get through this. I'm sure a lot of prayers helped with that feeling too. I am hoping today goes by quickly and smoothly, with the appointment tomorrow.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hoping for a Tumor?
Some days I find it amazing in my mind how we can have so many thoughts, that run around, worry for this, concern for that. No wonder I'm stressed. Contemplate this. Remember to do that. When things like this happen part of you feels like life should just stop. Like how am I still functioning with this other crisis in the back of my head. But I do. I still get up and get ready, feed the family, and go to work. I still bathe, and make my to-do lists. I still move along, one foot in front of the other. My head pounds as I move along, migraine already going this morning- fairly normal for me, but now its just another reminder, oh ya, that might be a tumor in there. The fuzzy vision I'm experiencing right now might not be just another migraine, it might be because there's a tumor in your head.
I managed to get some stuff done, which was good. I am so glad a friend of mine came by. She's such a wonderful help. I think she is so amazing. We get some of my living room organized and looking like a normal house. She put up a couple of my pictures and she straightened my books. I'm so grateful for that. I am sure there are so many people sitting there wondering why on earth these things even matter to me right now. But for me all I can say is I know that the more and more chaotic my life gets the more and more my perfectionist tendencies peak. I need order and cleanliness.
As I visited with the missionaries tonight and they put forth another challenge to me, I thought in my head "what!" another task on my plate? but I accepted. I just thought, they are out doing the Lords work, they are here because he has his hand in all that we do, so if this is what he wants me to do, then I will accept. I don't know how I will ever think straight enough to find someone to invite to hear the gospel. Even though I know how much it empowers me in my life. You know, I enjoy having the missionaries around. Sometimes you just need people who carry the spirit with them around you, to lift you up. After I accepted the challenge, they said something that really made sense to me, that if I have pray in Faith, Heavenly Father will make this challenge possible. He will bring someone into my life who is willing to hear about our gospel. I knew in that moment he was not only right, but that I need to remember to have more faith.
Heavenly Father has his hand down guiding so many aspects of my life right now, leading me, trying to get me on track, and my life going where it needs to go. And here I am knowing in my head yet delaying in action. Finally lately I started listening to his still small voice, but slow to action. I am dragging my feet, resisting. I know with all my heart that the only thing that comes from following his commandments is blessings, strength and good things, yet I still resist, drag my feet. Why on earth would someone do that? Know the road to bliss, and joy yet still resist taking it? I mean life is difficult and full of trials right now, if I want support and to lighten my burden I know all I need to do is follow the commandments, and pray to ask for his help and things will get easier to handle.
I have to say, I really truly feel like the Lord has been watching over me, guiding me, trying so hard to lead me back to the straight and narrow path of the gospel. Not that I had wondered completely off of it, more like I had stalled out. Sat down and decided I was going to sit right where I was on the path if you could envision that. Ok ok. Maybe slightly beside it.
I met this man the other day, and I felt as though he and I connected. Not in the way that I was attracted to him, but just in a sense of we communicated well, and I enjoyed his company, like a good friend. And like two people passing in the street, I will probably never see that man again, but the point is it reminded me that there are still good men out there, and that one day down the road when it is time and I am ready the Lord will have someone set aside for me, some one I can connect with. I realized that even with all these trials and struggles I am battling in my life, I think it is just Heavenly Father's way of wrapping up the past and helping me to make space for a better life in my future. A happier life. I worked so hard in my past, I spent hours, and days, and months trying so hard to get my family to be able to go to the temple to be sealed. I know now that there was a reason that it didn't happen, because God knows the better plan. I still do not know it yet, but I do know that he does, and he has his hand in all things, watching over us, guiding us. If he feels that my life needs to go in this direction then I will follow, and I have hope that it is only to lead me to brighter days. Someone asked me what I want in this life ~ my answer ~ stability, a husband, and a family life. I didn't get into detail at that time but that would include that the husband be temple worthy and always provide a stable home for his family. I guess I don't ask for much, but at the same time, I ask for a lot. I'm only 27, but I do believe that Heavenly Father will give me what I ask for in this life, especially if I live worthily. I'm not saying I am even contemplating dating or marriage at this time, I'm just saying that for the first time, I actually believe there might be some decent men left out there. And if there isn't I know the Lord has one hidden away just for me, special, for when the time comes. So I need not despair for all the days of my future. Seeing that he showed me that he will have his hand in all things and that there was a reason he caused my life in Raymond to "wrap up" so abruptly, and be such a trial to me was not for me to suffer but because he must know of a bigger plan for me. But also I related these thoughts on to the lump they have found in my brain. If it is a tumor and they can remove it, we can wrap up this time of trial and suffering, and he knows that even though it will be difficult and scary to go through, it is leading me to brighter skies of migraine free days. (These things I hope and pray for.)
This being said, as I have contemplated it more and more, I have decided I hope it is a tumor in my head. Because then it will be a means to an end. for the last 18 months I have not been able to live my life. I have been existing, mearly surviving. I often feel as though I need assistance just to get by. If it is a tumor, and they can operate to remove it, and my health can return to some sort of normalcy, where I can function, and take care of my children I would think it would be worth it. River was telling a friend of mine yesterday how much it sucks for them as children that I am sick all the time, because their mom is no fun, and they often have to do things for themselves. It hurt so badly, but there is nothing I can do about it, lots of days the pain is just so bad, and I PUSH myself so hard as it is. I am often guilt ridden by the lack of quality time they receive due to my migraines, but I cannot do what my body will not let me. So a tumor may just be the answer to my prayers. I remember going into the MRI hoping they would find something to explain my migraines, this could just be that explanation, even if it is scary.
I continue to hold out hope, and I want to thank everyone for all there love and support, you have been so kind to send your thoughts and prayers to me. They are making a huge difference, I feel it. Thank you!
I managed to get some stuff done, which was good. I am so glad a friend of mine came by. She's such a wonderful help. I think she is so amazing. We get some of my living room organized and looking like a normal house. She put up a couple of my pictures and she straightened my books. I'm so grateful for that. I am sure there are so many people sitting there wondering why on earth these things even matter to me right now. But for me all I can say is I know that the more and more chaotic my life gets the more and more my perfectionist tendencies peak. I need order and cleanliness.
As I visited with the missionaries tonight and they put forth another challenge to me, I thought in my head "what!" another task on my plate? but I accepted. I just thought, they are out doing the Lords work, they are here because he has his hand in all that we do, so if this is what he wants me to do, then I will accept. I don't know how I will ever think straight enough to find someone to invite to hear the gospel. Even though I know how much it empowers me in my life. You know, I enjoy having the missionaries around. Sometimes you just need people who carry the spirit with them around you, to lift you up. After I accepted the challenge, they said something that really made sense to me, that if I have pray in Faith, Heavenly Father will make this challenge possible. He will bring someone into my life who is willing to hear about our gospel. I knew in that moment he was not only right, but that I need to remember to have more faith.
Heavenly Father has his hand down guiding so many aspects of my life right now, leading me, trying to get me on track, and my life going where it needs to go. And here I am knowing in my head yet delaying in action. Finally lately I started listening to his still small voice, but slow to action. I am dragging my feet, resisting. I know with all my heart that the only thing that comes from following his commandments is blessings, strength and good things, yet I still resist, drag my feet. Why on earth would someone do that? Know the road to bliss, and joy yet still resist taking it? I mean life is difficult and full of trials right now, if I want support and to lighten my burden I know all I need to do is follow the commandments, and pray to ask for his help and things will get easier to handle.
I have to say, I really truly feel like the Lord has been watching over me, guiding me, trying so hard to lead me back to the straight and narrow path of the gospel. Not that I had wondered completely off of it, more like I had stalled out. Sat down and decided I was going to sit right where I was on the path if you could envision that. Ok ok. Maybe slightly beside it.
I met this man the other day, and I felt as though he and I connected. Not in the way that I was attracted to him, but just in a sense of we communicated well, and I enjoyed his company, like a good friend. And like two people passing in the street, I will probably never see that man again, but the point is it reminded me that there are still good men out there, and that one day down the road when it is time and I am ready the Lord will have someone set aside for me, some one I can connect with. I realized that even with all these trials and struggles I am battling in my life, I think it is just Heavenly Father's way of wrapping up the past and helping me to make space for a better life in my future. A happier life. I worked so hard in my past, I spent hours, and days, and months trying so hard to get my family to be able to go to the temple to be sealed. I know now that there was a reason that it didn't happen, because God knows the better plan. I still do not know it yet, but I do know that he does, and he has his hand in all things, watching over us, guiding us. If he feels that my life needs to go in this direction then I will follow, and I have hope that it is only to lead me to brighter days. Someone asked me what I want in this life ~ my answer ~ stability, a husband, and a family life. I didn't get into detail at that time but that would include that the husband be temple worthy and always provide a stable home for his family. I guess I don't ask for much, but at the same time, I ask for a lot. I'm only 27, but I do believe that Heavenly Father will give me what I ask for in this life, especially if I live worthily. I'm not saying I am even contemplating dating or marriage at this time, I'm just saying that for the first time, I actually believe there might be some decent men left out there. And if there isn't I know the Lord has one hidden away just for me, special, for when the time comes. So I need not despair for all the days of my future. Seeing that he showed me that he will have his hand in all things and that there was a reason he caused my life in Raymond to "wrap up" so abruptly, and be such a trial to me was not for me to suffer but because he must know of a bigger plan for me. But also I related these thoughts on to the lump they have found in my brain. If it is a tumor and they can remove it, we can wrap up this time of trial and suffering, and he knows that even though it will be difficult and scary to go through, it is leading me to brighter skies of migraine free days. (These things I hope and pray for.)
This being said, as I have contemplated it more and more, I have decided I hope it is a tumor in my head. Because then it will be a means to an end. for the last 18 months I have not been able to live my life. I have been existing, mearly surviving. I often feel as though I need assistance just to get by. If it is a tumor, and they can operate to remove it, and my health can return to some sort of normalcy, where I can function, and take care of my children I would think it would be worth it. River was telling a friend of mine yesterday how much it sucks for them as children that I am sick all the time, because their mom is no fun, and they often have to do things for themselves. It hurt so badly, but there is nothing I can do about it, lots of days the pain is just so bad, and I PUSH myself so hard as it is. I am often guilt ridden by the lack of quality time they receive due to my migraines, but I cannot do what my body will not let me. So a tumor may just be the answer to my prayers. I remember going into the MRI hoping they would find something to explain my migraines, this could just be that explanation, even if it is scary.
I continue to hold out hope, and I want to thank everyone for all there love and support, you have been so kind to send your thoughts and prayers to me. They are making a huge difference, I feel it. Thank you!
Friday, April 15, 2011
OK, I know that I should have put this whole thing out of my head. But how can I? It is so scary to me. More than anything, its stress. I just feel so alone right now. I really do. Overwhelmed and alone. My aunt called me tonight and she let me know its ok to cry. I don't know how she knew that I dont cry. When did that happen to me? She's right though, I need to cry sometimes, let it out. But I can't. I just want to curl up in a ball for a little, and sometimes I just want to let loose and get out for a bit. I need a break. Just a day or two. In my dreams maybe??
Too tired to keep writing. Be back tomorrow.
Too tired to keep writing. Be back tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Freakin out
Ok, So I usually write on my blog and feel much better after relaying some info, and reflecting my feelings. Its actually very theraputic for me. I usually end up realizing things I didn't see before. Ok, I still do, but today I realized a whole lot of scary stuff. After I wrote my post this morning, I called my mom and told her about it, and then I headed off to work. I have spent the day lost... in total panic. What if I died? What could happen to me? How am I going to get through this? Why now? I'm all alone. My stress levels were already at the peak, but I was handling them (just barely) but now this has thrown me over the edge. I could hardly work today. All I could think was
The stress was doing me in. The migraine I had today was out of control. So I called someone I knew, who turned out to be a college prof on this stuff. She knows all about human anatomy and right now she's teaching about hormones and the brain etc. Another strange coincindence her daughter in-law has a brain tumor. So we talked, a lot. She knew a lot about what I was telling her. Its a pituitary tumor or cyst. (I knew that). After laying out the history for her, she was concerned. There has been a lot of direct hormonal changes that are directly linked to the hormones that are released from the area the lump is. Also, the problems I was telling her I have experienced in the last 18 months, aren't typical from a migraine but do sound typical to this section of the brain - NOT A GOOD SIGN. Like how I already am experiencing vision problems. If this was a cyst that I was born with (which is the other option they had suggested) then it wouldn't be wreaking havok with any of these other things in my brain, and all of those symptoms are just "co-incidental?" hmm. I guess I wait till tuesday to find out more information from the neurologist directly.
See, I have stress at work, not normal every day stress (I'm too tired to get into it, but its a gooder) plus some serious financial difficulties going on right now, totally stressing me out day to day. Due to the last 3 weeks being unmanagebly difficult migraines I haven't been keeping up with the house work or unpacking so the to-do list around here is stressing me out. (I'm just one of those people where the mess=stress). Not to mention the divorce and custody battle going on too, and my poor stressed out children who aren't totally adjusting well. One who's acting out from it all. Losing all my friends from having to flee a domestic "situation" and move out of my community and get an emergency protection order. I could handle all of it until this.
How am I supposed to go through this alone? Why am I going through this alone now? This has honestly pushed me over the edge. I just can't handle the stress of everything in my life PLUS a possible brain tumor. You know just saying it, sounds like a lie, it sounds like tv or something. I don't know how to handle this. How on earth do they expect me to sit in anticipation of answers for another 6 months? My friend thinks I should insist on 3 months, especially with the way things have progressed.
I have a million questions. Can you die from brain surgery? How long does it take? What is the recovery like? How long will they wait once they find out that it is a tumor before they decide to operate? I don't want enlarged hands, feet, ears, jaw. I don't want to go blind. I don't want migraines everyday any more. Chronic fatigue. Are there side effects left over after they remove it?
Why me? Why now? I was being so strong. I really was trying so hard.
A tumor. In my Brain.
The stress was doing me in. The migraine I had today was out of control. So I called someone I knew, who turned out to be a college prof on this stuff. She knows all about human anatomy and right now she's teaching about hormones and the brain etc. Another strange coincindence her daughter in-law has a brain tumor. So we talked, a lot. She knew a lot about what I was telling her. Its a pituitary tumor or cyst. (I knew that). After laying out the history for her, she was concerned. There has been a lot of direct hormonal changes that are directly linked to the hormones that are released from the area the lump is. Also, the problems I was telling her I have experienced in the last 18 months, aren't typical from a migraine but do sound typical to this section of the brain - NOT A GOOD SIGN. Like how I already am experiencing vision problems. If this was a cyst that I was born with (which is the other option they had suggested) then it wouldn't be wreaking havok with any of these other things in my brain, and all of those symptoms are just "co-incidental?" hmm. I guess I wait till tuesday to find out more information from the neurologist directly.
Longest 6 days of my life.
(Probably not, but still Way TOO LONG!)
See, I have stress at work, not normal every day stress (I'm too tired to get into it, but its a gooder) plus some serious financial difficulties going on right now, totally stressing me out day to day. Due to the last 3 weeks being unmanagebly difficult migraines I haven't been keeping up with the house work or unpacking so the to-do list around here is stressing me out. (I'm just one of those people where the mess=stress). Not to mention the divorce and custody battle going on too, and my poor stressed out children who aren't totally adjusting well. One who's acting out from it all. Losing all my friends from having to flee a domestic "situation" and move out of my community and get an emergency protection order. I could handle all of it until this.
I hit my breaking point when I heard
What the heck did I do?
How am I supposed to go through this alone? Why am I going through this alone now? This has honestly pushed me over the edge. I just can't handle the stress of everything in my life PLUS a possible brain tumor. You know just saying it, sounds like a lie, it sounds like tv or something. I don't know how to handle this. How on earth do they expect me to sit in anticipation of answers for another 6 months? My friend thinks I should insist on 3 months, especially with the way things have progressed.
I have a million questions. Can you die from brain surgery? How long does it take? What is the recovery like? How long will they wait once they find out that it is a tumor before they decide to operate? I don't want enlarged hands, feet, ears, jaw. I don't want to go blind. I don't want migraines everyday any more. Chronic fatigue. Are there side effects left over after they remove it?
Why me? Why now? I was being so strong. I really was trying so hard.
I'm all they got.
Ok, so I am just going to randomly throw out a few things here, because I'm actually supposed to be getting ready for work right now and I always waste too much time on the computer in the morning. Look at that its already 5:15am, (I've been up since 4) and I haven't even started doing my hair or decided what I'm going to where. Which is a process in itself. ANYWAYS, that's not what I was going to write about.
So like always after I have a doctor's appointment I usually have things to reflect on. So I had an MRI last month to see if they could get any information regarding my migraines, but usually an MRI doesn't find anything for migraines unless you have like a brain tumor. Well... they found a lump in my brain. Talk about freak me out. As of right now we don't have a clue as to what it is or means, but that its not a solid ~ which means not cancerous/or you typical brain tumor BUT it still could be this other type of tumor that is a fluid filled lump that grows. As it grows it presses on a part in your brain which causes it to produce more hormones and you go blind and get ugly basically! lol. OK, OK, you end up getting manlier, enlarged ears, and jaw, hands and feet etc. (See sounds ugly to me). So what happens then? Brain surgery. I'm not kidding. They go in through your nose, and its all robotically done. (Even doc says we are hoping for the cyst) To say the least, I am a little FREAKED out right now. Are you KIDDING ME??? I'm a single mother! Anyways, on the plus side I get a follow up MRI in 6 months to see if it is growing. Otherwise it may be just a cyst thingy (I'm great with technical jargon) that you're born with. I know maybe I should have mentioned the plus side first but if you have ever had a scare you'll understand how until you know for sure, you spend time worrying about the what if's. Especially in my case, I keep thinking how only a year and a half ago I had never even had a migraine in my life, and how many other side effects came with them that weren't A-typical, that could've been caused by this tumor. Its about just under the size of a dime right now. in case you were wondering, but not a ball (like a marble) instead its like its been squished. Hope that makes sense.
Looks like I'm out of time for my other thoughts. After I started writing I guess I realized I did have quite a bit to say about that one topic. I guess its not just some random thing. I get to find out some more info from the Neurologist on Tuesday next week, and I know I'm supposed to be thinking oh no big deal its nothing. (like when they said don't worry your only getting an MRI as a back up, we won't find anything). But to me its something. They didn't or haven't talked to me about chances or odds of it actually being the type of tumor that we don't want. I guess this would sound way better if I knew the name hey? lol. I should have written it down. Dang long confusing doctor words! I guess I just keep thinking, I'm all my kids got. I'm all they got. What does this mean?
So like always after I have a doctor's appointment I usually have things to reflect on. So I had an MRI last month to see if they could get any information regarding my migraines, but usually an MRI doesn't find anything for migraines unless you have like a brain tumor. Well... they found a lump in my brain. Talk about freak me out. As of right now we don't have a clue as to what it is or means, but that its not a solid ~ which means not cancerous/or you typical brain tumor BUT it still could be this other type of tumor that is a fluid filled lump that grows. As it grows it presses on a part in your brain which causes it to produce more hormones and you go blind and get ugly basically! lol. OK, OK, you end up getting manlier, enlarged ears, and jaw, hands and feet etc. (See sounds ugly to me). So what happens then? Brain surgery. I'm not kidding. They go in through your nose, and its all robotically done. (Even doc says we are hoping for the cyst) To say the least, I am a little FREAKED out right now. Are you KIDDING ME??? I'm a single mother! Anyways, on the plus side I get a follow up MRI in 6 months to see if it is growing. Otherwise it may be just a cyst thingy (I'm great with technical jargon) that you're born with. I know maybe I should have mentioned the plus side first but if you have ever had a scare you'll understand how until you know for sure, you spend time worrying about the what if's. Especially in my case, I keep thinking how only a year and a half ago I had never even had a migraine in my life, and how many other side effects came with them that weren't A-typical, that could've been caused by this tumor. Its about just under the size of a dime right now. in case you were wondering, but not a ball (like a marble) instead its like its been squished. Hope that makes sense.
Looks like I'm out of time for my other thoughts. After I started writing I guess I realized I did have quite a bit to say about that one topic. I guess its not just some random thing. I get to find out some more info from the Neurologist on Tuesday next week, and I know I'm supposed to be thinking oh no big deal its nothing. (like when they said don't worry your only getting an MRI as a back up, we won't find anything). But to me its something. They didn't or haven't talked to me about chances or odds of it actually being the type of tumor that we don't want. I guess this would sound way better if I knew the name hey? lol. I should have written it down. Dang long confusing doctor words! I guess I just keep thinking, I'm all my kids got. I'm all they got. What does this mean?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday Picnic
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It was so windy, they couldn't even open their eyes for the picture! |
Well, we did it, we went for a picnic after church on sunday. I must pat myself on the back for being a good mom and following through even though I was freezing and almost blown away (It was so windy!) Ok, the weather was not good, but the kids would not give up on the idea of going so we went, ate, walked for 15 minutes and Ta-da, we were done. But we managed to have some fun and take a couple of pics!
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This is me with Bueller, our little dog we like to borrow! He's such a great pup and the kids love him! (Even he didn't like the wind) |
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This was the aftermath, when we got back in the car, courtesy of River. I swear, I don't know why I did my hair that day. |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Ok people, send me your email addresses! Here is my email:
or I use more often
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Fun and Refreshing
Today was such an interesting day. Here are the highlights:
Today I recieved an amazing gift from my Aunt, whom I don't hear from much - ok, like ever, but it meant the world to me, because it came at a time that I really desperately needed it. I don't think she would know that I was in that situation to need it, but Heavenly Father put us together, in answer to my prayers, and she so amazingly helped me with her random kind deed. I just want to mention that this NEVER happens usually so it was not only shocking, but an amazing blessing, and I know the Lord had his hand in on it. I have no idea how she felt so inspired, I just know that I am so grateful.
Today I realized golf is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Plus, women are at a serious disadvantage - that is why there is a woman's box to tee off from, not because we're not as strong or as good at it, but because we have a disadvantage. (but that is a whole other story) For those of you who don't golf ~ like me, when teeing off there is a pro box, a difficult box, a regular box and an easy box, and even easier than that is "women's box" for teeing off. Sounds sexist I know. PS. the boxes are actually just color coded but I forget the colors already!) No, I did not go golfing today, but I did get some lessons and had a lot of fun trying to whack a few balls around. I think I just may practice hittin a few more one of these days. Who knew?
Today I was confirmed in my thought that I suck under pressure. Oh, and I always feel under "pressure" when I shouldn't. I'm sure you're sitting there wondering, what are you talking about? Ok, well I played pool with my boss today, (if you're wondering why it's because I borrowed his dog, explanation to come later, lol) and I shot like total crap - of course. Why I even mentioned that I used to play league and get hooked into playing in the first place, I don't know. Maybe for my own embarrassment? I shouldn't have felt pressured it was just for fun, and he's such a cool guy, really easy going. Its me, and my fear of embarrassment. Always worried about what others are going to think. Which is hilarious since it causes me to play worse and really embarrass myself! That's why I drank when I played pool league, to loosen my nerves. Ha. Anyways, First two games I couldn't sink a ball to save my life almost, third game I finally started coming around, but still fairly embarrassing. Here's a tip my friends - don't mention skills you think you have (like "yes, I play pool, I used to play league") unless your confident you STILL have these skills. lol. But, in the end it was still fun, I still love the game, and enjoyed myself, and I think that is important. (I think I still have mad skills, I just need some practise without my boss around, and I'll kick some butt again!)
Today I dropped in on a friend I hadn't seen in a while who had recently had her baby, and is very busy right now. It was so good to catch up with her, and just share how our lives (which are in such very different places right now) are going through some very similar experiences. It amazes me how 30 minutes visiting and sharing testimonies with each other can give me strength and encouragement. She is such an amazing woman, I hope she knows it. I hope everyone that reads this thinks of someone in there life who they can spend 30 minutes visiting with, relating to, listening and talking to them. It can really make a difference, in both your lives. (I'm not speaking for my friend, but I know for me, I really needed a visit today and a friendly chat ~ it was perfect!)
Today was a great day, admittedly the kids and I also:
-borrowed a dog
-went to two parks
-watched a movie
-did family chores BIG TIME!
-stayed up late
-hauled ALL the donation stuff and Garbage away!
-walked the dog
-the kids swam in a Jacuzzi tub with their clothes on
-Took a nap (to reduce the migraine I had it was at a 7 by the evening. )
I loved my evening with my children, watching a movie and then tackling the house as a team. We all worked very hard to get things back in order around here. When my migraines get as bad as they have been the house work can fall behind for days. Then I just can't stand it anymore, and so today I called on the kids and used a sneaky trick, I let them stay up late ~ but they had to be cleaning! Ha! Worked like a charm. They cleaned their little hearts out, didn't complain once, and the house is getting to where it needs to be again. I know I can't always use that trick, but today I just really didn't want another battle. My house may not be where it needs to be yet, but its coming along, and I feel much better now that its started, especially with all the clutter of the donation stuff and garbage (that was in boxes) sitting around the house for the last 2 weeks.
Somehow in all my enjoyment, I managed to promise the children that after church today we would go for a picnic and take the dog for a walk around Henderson lake. I thought we could bring our book of pictures from the scriptures and discuss which stories they represent, and look them up. I was also hoping to be able to take out some golf clubs and show River some of the stuff I learned since he has such a love for golf. He even has his own clubs. We also have to give Bueller a bath (thats the dog). So it sounds like another busy day for us, I really hope we can manage to do it all, because it will be fun and our family needs some good quality time.
Today I recieved an amazing gift from my Aunt, whom I don't hear from much - ok, like ever, but it meant the world to me, because it came at a time that I really desperately needed it. I don't think she would know that I was in that situation to need it, but Heavenly Father put us together, in answer to my prayers, and she so amazingly helped me with her random kind deed. I just want to mention that this NEVER happens usually so it was not only shocking, but an amazing blessing, and I know the Lord had his hand in on it. I have no idea how she felt so inspired, I just know that I am so grateful.
Today I realized golf is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Plus, women are at a serious disadvantage - that is why there is a woman's box to tee off from, not because we're not as strong or as good at it, but because we have a disadvantage. (but that is a whole other story) For those of you who don't golf ~ like me, when teeing off there is a pro box, a difficult box, a regular box and an easy box, and even easier than that is "women's box" for teeing off. Sounds sexist I know. PS. the boxes are actually just color coded but I forget the colors already!) No, I did not go golfing today, but I did get some lessons and had a lot of fun trying to whack a few balls around. I think I just may practice hittin a few more one of these days. Who knew?
Today I was confirmed in my thought that I suck under pressure. Oh, and I always feel under "pressure" when I shouldn't. I'm sure you're sitting there wondering, what are you talking about? Ok, well I played pool with my boss today, (if you're wondering why it's because I borrowed his dog, explanation to come later, lol) and I shot like total crap - of course. Why I even mentioned that I used to play league and get hooked into playing in the first place, I don't know. Maybe for my own embarrassment? I shouldn't have felt pressured it was just for fun, and he's such a cool guy, really easy going. Its me, and my fear of embarrassment. Always worried about what others are going to think. Which is hilarious since it causes me to play worse and really embarrass myself! That's why I drank when I played pool league, to loosen my nerves. Ha. Anyways, First two games I couldn't sink a ball to save my life almost, third game I finally started coming around, but still fairly embarrassing. Here's a tip my friends - don't mention skills you think you have (like "yes, I play pool, I used to play league") unless your confident you STILL have these skills. lol. But, in the end it was still fun, I still love the game, and enjoyed myself, and I think that is important. (I think I still have mad skills, I just need some practise without my boss around, and I'll kick some butt again!)
Today I dropped in on a friend I hadn't seen in a while who had recently had her baby, and is very busy right now. It was so good to catch up with her, and just share how our lives (which are in such very different places right now) are going through some very similar experiences. It amazes me how 30 minutes visiting and sharing testimonies with each other can give me strength and encouragement. She is such an amazing woman, I hope she knows it. I hope everyone that reads this thinks of someone in there life who they can spend 30 minutes visiting with, relating to, listening and talking to them. It can really make a difference, in both your lives. (I'm not speaking for my friend, but I know for me, I really needed a visit today and a friendly chat ~ it was perfect!)
Today was a great day, admittedly the kids and I also:
-borrowed a dog
-went to two parks
-watched a movie
-did family chores BIG TIME!
-stayed up late
-hauled ALL the donation stuff and Garbage away!
-walked the dog
-the kids swam in a Jacuzzi tub with their clothes on
-Took a nap (to reduce the migraine I had it was at a 7 by the evening. )
I loved my evening with my children, watching a movie and then tackling the house as a team. We all worked very hard to get things back in order around here. When my migraines get as bad as they have been the house work can fall behind for days. Then I just can't stand it anymore, and so today I called on the kids and used a sneaky trick, I let them stay up late ~ but they had to be cleaning! Ha! Worked like a charm. They cleaned their little hearts out, didn't complain once, and the house is getting to where it needs to be again. I know I can't always use that trick, but today I just really didn't want another battle. My house may not be where it needs to be yet, but its coming along, and I feel much better now that its started, especially with all the clutter of the donation stuff and garbage (that was in boxes) sitting around the house for the last 2 weeks.
I really enjoyed my Saturday.
It was Fun and Refreshing!
Somehow in all my enjoyment, I managed to promise the children that after church today we would go for a picnic and take the dog for a walk around Henderson lake. I thought we could bring our book of pictures from the scriptures and discuss which stories they represent, and look them up. I was also hoping to be able to take out some golf clubs and show River some of the stuff I learned since he has such a love for golf. He even has his own clubs. We also have to give Bueller a bath (thats the dog). So it sounds like another busy day for us, I really hope we can manage to do it all, because it will be fun and our family needs some good quality time.
I totally miss...
You know what I never thought I would miss? Cleaning! Yes, I still have my cleaning company, (So if you need any cleaning...CALL ME!) lol. But since I only do it occasionally on the side now (Which means more like rarely) because of my day job I miss it. I miss the enjoyment of the freedom you get while working, the satisfaction you feel from knowing you will bring so much joy to the hearts of the people when you are done. If you really do a good job at it, it is a very gratifying job, because you know you are doing a job that everyone hates to have to do for themselves - Heck I hate cleaning my own house! And you can choose what to clean first, next, last. You control what to do and when. No bosses over your shoulder. You have mindless work, so you can spend the whole time you're working enjoying listening to music, or talks, or even just thinking and contemplating things. I used to bring a talk on disc to my regular Friday clean every week and I would listen to it over and over all day (since I would miss parts here and there while working) and I would really soak in the messages, and ponder them. It would be a great way to add more revitalization to my week.
I also enjoyed getting to know my clients. Its funny, you hardly ever meet the people you are cleaning for but I think if you are a good cleaner you get to know them quite well. Not in a creepy way, but in a good way, that makes you strive to want to do well for them because you feel like they're family. You learn things about their habits, you can tell when someone is sick, you know when someone had guests stay with them, or if they do things out of routine. You can tell what books and movies and music they like. You see pictures of their family on their walls. You know if they're tidy or messy. It truly feels amazing more like you've become a help rather than an employee when you think of them as family. I think a good cleaner should notice these things, and feel this way, because we would always work hard for our family and never let our standards slide. We would cherish and respect their home, and their privacy, and most of all we would always work with love in our hearts. At least I do. I had terrific clients though. All of them were/are fantastic people.
I also clean a lot of empty houses too actually I probably do more of that than regular client houses, and I do enjoy them. Post Construction Cleans are my Fav's too. There's something about it, it's like you get double gratification. You get to perfect the contractors work to shine, you get to see him walk in, and marvel in his workmanship for the first time, seeing the home just glow because you made it sparkle! And you also get to know you're making it just right for that new family to come home to soon, so they can enjoy. If I don't know who's moving in I always imagine the families that might be waiting for it, and how excited they will be to move in. Some times I am still there and they come to see it, and I get to see their faces. Its amazing how happy they are, I never used to think it had anything to do with the cleaning - but it does, they tell me things like wow, what a difference, you should have seen it yesterday, or last week! There was dust everywhere. Or then there is the nit picky one's who test your cleaning by running their hands on top of cabinets or door ledges. Not a speck! Such a gratifying feeling.
OK, I really never thought I would like cleaning when I started the business I just thought it was an easy, low start up cost business to get into, but I really do miss it. Unfortunately I just can't do that full time right now, because its too irratic and irregular for being a single mom, plus I do enjoy my job I have now. (one day hopefully it will be financially rewarding enough to get by!) So I guess for now I will just settle for cleaner by night, Accounting Clerk by Day!
I also enjoyed getting to know my clients. Its funny, you hardly ever meet the people you are cleaning for but I think if you are a good cleaner you get to know them quite well. Not in a creepy way, but in a good way, that makes you strive to want to do well for them because you feel like they're family. You learn things about their habits, you can tell when someone is sick, you know when someone had guests stay with them, or if they do things out of routine. You can tell what books and movies and music they like. You see pictures of their family on their walls. You know if they're tidy or messy. It truly feels amazing more like you've become a help rather than an employee when you think of them as family. I think a good cleaner should notice these things, and feel this way, because we would always work hard for our family and never let our standards slide. We would cherish and respect their home, and their privacy, and most of all we would always work with love in our hearts. At least I do. I had terrific clients though. All of them were/are fantastic people.
I also clean a lot of empty houses too actually I probably do more of that than regular client houses, and I do enjoy them. Post Construction Cleans are my Fav's too. There's something about it, it's like you get double gratification. You get to perfect the contractors work to shine, you get to see him walk in, and marvel in his workmanship for the first time, seeing the home just glow because you made it sparkle! And you also get to know you're making it just right for that new family to come home to soon, so they can enjoy. If I don't know who's moving in I always imagine the families that might be waiting for it, and how excited they will be to move in. Some times I am still there and they come to see it, and I get to see their faces. Its amazing how happy they are, I never used to think it had anything to do with the cleaning - but it does, they tell me things like wow, what a difference, you should have seen it yesterday, or last week! There was dust everywhere. Or then there is the nit picky one's who test your cleaning by running their hands on top of cabinets or door ledges. Not a speck! Such a gratifying feeling.
OK, I really never thought I would like cleaning when I started the business I just thought it was an easy, low start up cost business to get into, but I really do miss it. Unfortunately I just can't do that full time right now, because its too irratic and irregular for being a single mom, plus I do enjoy my job I have now. (one day hopefully it will be financially rewarding enough to get by!) So I guess for now I will just settle for cleaner by night, Accounting Clerk by Day!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Oh life...
So things in my life have changed immensely over the last couple of months. I cannot even begin to describe the life changes, the trauma, and the struggles I have been going through. I never would have thought I would have done so well through these times, and I never ever would have imagined anything like this happening in my life, especially for a second time. For those of you who don't know what has been going on, I'm sorry, you will not learn about it in this posting. BUT, stay tuned I will talk about it in the future, as my blog goes private in a few days. I just need every one's email addresses so I can add them for those of you who are not sure how to "follow".(I still love you Kristen).
So back to the point of my story, (which was actually mostly from an email I sent, which made me realize this is good stuff, I should share it!) with all that has been going on I must admit, its been way too long since I've had social interaction, so the other night I went and did my visiting Teaching in my new ward and it was really nice to just meet people! I feel bad though, the visit ended up being all about me! I think we owe her a re-do or something! lol. I am feeling quite guilty. Its supposed to be about seeing how she's doing, and what she needs - I was just yapping away!! She is a quiet girl though, very nice. I hope I can find a way to connect with her, and be a good visiting teacher.
For me, after I joined the church, I had my true conversion of heart a year ago, when my marriage was falling apart, my whole life was actually in chaos. I had nothing to lose but to try it out. Try to do all these demanding commandments, and "boring" scripture study (which I love and enjoy now) and time consuming church commitments. I really needed answers to prayers in my life at that time, and I needed the blessings the Lord had to offer. Mostly, I really needed his help, by way of guidance in answer to my prayers, and comfort. In the first few weeks, I read my scriptures daily, and would pray often. I also began reading other church material, and LDS books. I studied books to help me understand the scriptures, and I prayed some more. Still no answers. Still Chaos. I figured I must not be righteous enough, or following the commandments enough for the blessings which I seek, so I searched out all the commandments I could, and one by one, I started adding in more, and more. I was trying to follow each to the best of my ability. Early to bed, Early to Rise...Ate less meat...Did TONS of service work... Prayed from my heart a gazillion times a day. I began to feel a difference in my life. I felt joy and peace in my heart. Not one circumstance had changed for the better, but a calm peace and understanding had washed over me, to tell me every thing would be fine. I carried this wonderful peace with me for weeks. I felt the spirit with me everywhere I went. Eventually circumstances in my life did start changing too, my children were more well behaved too, which was huge. What made me finally realize that I knew and still know this gospel is true was in the trial and the "just doing it" phase. When you just give it a try, put your faith on the line, do the commandment and wait for the PROMISED blessings they will come. That's why they are promised. He does not lie to us.
Now, Those times in my life are gone, that peace has left my heart, and lately I get a lot of emptiness in my heart instead. Like I heard in one of my favorite talks "My Soul Hungered...and my stomach growled"
I am in a place of needing a spiritual fill-up. My gas tank is empty, and without filling it by reading my scriptures daily and nurturing my soul, I have caused this feeling to come about in me...so if I am so smart, so strong in my faith in my heart (way deep down in side) then Why won't I just change my actions? PLEASE tell me... WHY won't I just start doing what I need to do to feel better, to create better and to be prosperous and happy? Sometimes the first few steps are the hardest. I have been looking for a few pushes here and there to help get me going.
I just keep thinking, wow I have been so off track, I haven't been doing the things I should, like prayer, or scriptures, or fasting etc. Yet I still have such a STRONG feeling of the spirit encouraging and guiding me to do what is right, to come back to following the commandments and reading my scriptures etc. For this to be happening Heavenly father must really love me, and he must have a plan for me, one that I don't know of, that he really doesn't want me to ruin with my agency by choosing to walk away, and "live the fun life".
Well, I guess if I put it that way, I think I should smarten up hey? before I wreck something great.
So back to the point of my story, (which was actually mostly from an email I sent, which made me realize this is good stuff, I should share it!) with all that has been going on I must admit, its been way too long since I've had social interaction, so the other night I went and did my visiting Teaching in my new ward and it was really nice to just meet people! I feel bad though, the visit ended up being all about me! I think we owe her a re-do or something! lol. I am feeling quite guilty. Its supposed to be about seeing how she's doing, and what she needs - I was just yapping away!! She is a quiet girl though, very nice. I hope I can find a way to connect with her, and be a good visiting teacher.
Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don’t worry... I’m here. The floods will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you.
– Charlie Brown to Snoopy
I have to admit, I am still spiritually weak, and I don't know how good I am to anyone right now. Its kind of like the lesson my partner gave - if we aren't keeping our own faith up, how can we build strong families or do the rest of the things the relief society was intended to do? So I'm still working on step one. It wasn't always that way. I used to be so strong... so good. I guess that must be why the promptings in my heart and the spirit still speaks to me so loudly. I often have this feeling, telling me that I should be doing more of the right things, like reading my scriptures, and having my family home evenings. I have even almost abandoned personal prayer. Not because I don't believe, but because I don't feel worthy. I still occasionally do pray, I am just the kind of person who feels like, how can I ask anything of Heavenly father when I know that I have done nothing to show to him that I am walking on his path? Heck, I'm not walking his path lately. I have been doing things I shouldn't (well, a little, kinda) Like breaking the sabbath, and missed my Tithing and swearing, and STUFF.
For me, after I joined the church, I had my true conversion of heart a year ago, when my marriage was falling apart, my whole life was actually in chaos. I had nothing to lose but to try it out. Try to do all these demanding commandments, and "boring" scripture study (which I love and enjoy now) and time consuming church commitments. I really needed answers to prayers in my life at that time, and I needed the blessings the Lord had to offer. Mostly, I really needed his help, by way of guidance in answer to my prayers, and comfort. In the first few weeks, I read my scriptures daily, and would pray often. I also began reading other church material, and LDS books. I studied books to help me understand the scriptures, and I prayed some more. Still no answers. Still Chaos. I figured I must not be righteous enough, or following the commandments enough for the blessings which I seek, so I searched out all the commandments I could, and one by one, I started adding in more, and more. I was trying to follow each to the best of my ability. Early to bed, Early to Rise...Ate less meat...Did TONS of service work... Prayed from my heart a gazillion times a day. I began to feel a difference in my life. I felt joy and peace in my heart. Not one circumstance had changed for the better, but a calm peace and understanding had washed over me, to tell me every thing would be fine. I carried this wonderful peace with me for weeks. I felt the spirit with me everywhere I went. Eventually circumstances in my life did start changing too, my children were more well behaved too, which was huge. What made me finally realize that I knew and still know this gospel is true was in the trial and the "just doing it" phase. When you just give it a try, put your faith on the line, do the commandment and wait for the PROMISED blessings they will come. That's why they are promised. He does not lie to us.
Now, Those times in my life are gone, that peace has left my heart, and lately I get a lot of emptiness in my heart instead. Like I heard in one of my favorite talks "My Soul Hungered...and my stomach growled"

I just keep thinking, wow I have been so off track, I haven't been doing the things I should, like prayer, or scriptures, or fasting etc. Yet I still have such a STRONG feeling of the spirit encouraging and guiding me to do what is right, to come back to following the commandments and reading my scriptures etc. For this to be happening Heavenly father must really love me, and he must have a plan for me, one that I don't know of, that he really doesn't want me to ruin with my agency by choosing to walk away, and "live the fun life".
Well, I guess if I put it that way, I think I should smarten up hey? before I wreck something great.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Back in my BLOG!
So in case any of you have been wondering where I went I want you to know that I was LOCKED out of my own BLOG!! Isn't that crazy! I could not figure out my password or reset it to save my life. It took a lot of time, and reseting passwords all over the place all the way back into my email too, but I'm back!
Soooo..... those of you who are close to me know, my life has flip turned upside down, and it seems like I am just picking up the peices and making myself a new one now. Which can sound bad if you want it to, but I like to think its great. I have had some really good oppertunities to start fresh with things, and right now is a great oppertunity for me to make the choices about who I want to be, what I want to do with my life and all those fun things. I have a clean slate to start with!
Well, I don't have that much time right now for blogging, and before I say too much I did want to mention, I want to be able to talk about some of my personal life, so I am going to be making my Blog go private soon. So if you have been following it you will need to officially become a "follower" if you want to be able to access it when it goes private.
Soooo..... those of you who are close to me know, my life has flip turned upside down, and it seems like I am just picking up the peices and making myself a new one now. Which can sound bad if you want it to, but I like to think its great. I have had some really good oppertunities to start fresh with things, and right now is a great oppertunity for me to make the choices about who I want to be, what I want to do with my life and all those fun things. I have a clean slate to start with!
Well, I don't have that much time right now for blogging, and before I say too much I did want to mention, I want to be able to talk about some of my personal life, so I am going to be making my Blog go private soon. So if you have been following it you will need to officially become a "follower" if you want to be able to access it when it goes private.
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