A tumor. In my Brain.
The stress was doing me in. The migraine I had today was out of control. So I called someone I knew, who turned out to be a college prof on this stuff. She knows all about human anatomy and right now she's teaching about hormones and the brain etc. Another strange coincindence her daughter in-law has a brain tumor. So we talked, a lot. She knew a lot about what I was telling her. Its a pituitary tumor or cyst. (I knew that). After laying out the history for her, she was concerned. There has been a lot of direct hormonal changes that are directly linked to the hormones that are released from the area the lump is. Also, the problems I was telling her I have experienced in the last 18 months, aren't typical from a migraine but do sound typical to this section of the brain - NOT A GOOD SIGN. Like how I already am experiencing vision problems. If this was a cyst that I was born with (which is the other option they had suggested) then it wouldn't be wreaking havok with any of these other things in my brain, and all of those symptoms are just "co-incidental?" hmm. I guess I wait till tuesday to find out more information from the neurologist directly.
Longest 6 days of my life.
(Probably not, but still Way TOO LONG!)
See, I have stress at work, not normal every day stress (I'm too tired to get into it, but its a gooder) plus some serious financial difficulties going on right now, totally stressing me out day to day. Due to the last 3 weeks being unmanagebly difficult migraines I haven't been keeping up with the house work or unpacking so the to-do list around here is stressing me out. (I'm just one of those people where the mess=stress). Not to mention the divorce and custody battle going on too, and my poor stressed out children who aren't totally adjusting well. One who's acting out from it all. Losing all my friends from having to flee a domestic "situation" and move out of my community and get an emergency protection order. I could handle all of it until this.
I hit my breaking point when I heard
What the heck did I do?
How am I supposed to go through this alone? Why am I going through this alone now? This has honestly pushed me over the edge. I just can't handle the stress of everything in my life PLUS a possible brain tumor. You know just saying it, sounds like a lie, it sounds like tv or something. I don't know how to handle this. How on earth do they expect me to sit in anticipation of answers for another 6 months? My friend thinks I should insist on 3 months, especially with the way things have progressed.
I have a million questions. Can you die from brain surgery? How long does it take? What is the recovery like? How long will they wait once they find out that it is a tumor before they decide to operate? I don't want enlarged hands, feet, ears, jaw. I don't want to go blind. I don't want migraines everyday any more. Chronic fatigue. Are there side effects left over after they remove it?
Why me? Why now? I was being so strong. I really was trying so hard.
Oh NO! This does NOT sound good at all. I hope it's nothing major and they can take care of it without any of those crazy unfortunate and horrible side effects. Hang in there till you know for sure...try not to entertain all the crazy what ifs....hope for the best right?! Ahhh...I hope you will be ok. I am very sorry you are going through such a tough thing right now. I want to help...if there's anything I can do please let me know.
Tara, I am so sorry you are going through all of this...just want to reach out and hug you and tell you that you'll be ok!! I truly "BELIEVE" that you will...
You are in my prayers...I'm burning a green candle for you as I write...
As I started to read your blog...I reached for my book...Light a Candle by Sylvia Browne...and flipped to the page that reads...
Light a green or pine-scented candle for good health and spiritual well-being.
Dearest God, angels and guides,
If I must be sick, let my symptoms be mild and last only a short time. Let any and all physical or mental pain be equivalent to a "fender-bender" instead of a major crash.
For every challenge or setback we face in our life, our spirits have the ability to emerge triumphant and stronger than before.
Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Know that I love you and your children...I am here for you so if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know!
I will light the green candle for you daily and send prayers for you to heal quickly so that you can have serenity and enjoy life as you watch your children grow...I can relate to the "alone" feeling as a young mom with young children and most of what you are going through...but I could not know how you are feeling about the possible "Brain Tumor"...I will stay positive, strong and pray for you that it is only a "cyst". Another page of "Light a Candle"
The white light
is God's sacred aura.
God shares His blessed light,
filled with infinite love, wisdom,
compassion, and power,
whenever we need it.
All we need to do to receive
God's gift is simply ask.
Believe in miracles and the
power of prayer.
Whether you believe in God
or not, He believes in you.
"Surround me with
the white light of
Your Holy Spirit"
Tara I hope this helps...and call if I can do anything...
Love Always,
Auntie Lana
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