Yesterday I put in a full day, as I do every Friday. For those of you who don't know, I own my own cleaning business, Clean Right Advantage. So I clean houses and stuff for a living. I actually find it very rewarding, which amazes even me. A lot of people often ask me, "How do you do it? I would never be able to clean someone Else's house, I hate to clean even my own!" It is funny, because I still do hate cleaning my own house, but some how I enjoy cleaning other people's houses, or new constructed houses. I find joy in serving others, so I always think about how helpful it is to know that I have taken care of such a detested duty. I know how comforting it is to come into a clean home it is so relaxing and relieving, it brings feelings of peace even. I get to feel like I help with that. :) Every day on my way to the job usually, I say a prayer to Heavenly Father thanking him firstly, for the work I have recieved and then asking him to please bless me. Bless me that I may be guided to know the best ways to do my job efficiently. I don't want to waste my time, or over charge people because of my inefficiency. I ask to be blessed that I may have an eye for detail, so I will see everything that needs to be taken care of, bless me with the strength to work hard and quickly, and to do your will Lord. Then I pray to let God know that my work is for him, and I am there in service of him. I will do his will, and pray that he will see that the job is to his liking. I always do my best when I work to imagine that I am working for him, not the customer, because I am. Heavenly Father gave us our lives, and he expects us to live them to their fullest, taking the most out of every experience. I set my standards at his height, and try my very best to make them attainable. Am I saying the job I do is perfect, like he is? No. But my effort is my very best, most of the time. And I believe that is all he asks of us. It makes me very honored to do my work when I think about it in this way. And I end up enjoying what I do immensely. It is very much like a teenager who has an assignment from his teacher, he works very hard on it and he gets an A. He is happy about his mark. He rushes home to show his parents. He may have completed the assignment at his teacher's request, but he worked really hard on it because he wanted to please his parents. (as I want to please my Heavenly Father.) Besides, the actual work itself isn't all that tough, we all know how to do it, and in reality, it gives me plenty of time to myself to de-stress and listen to music, not have to have a boss breathing down my neck about anything. (Joys of self-employment!). Now, I just realize I really want to teach this to my children, the love of work. The love to serve and honor the Lord. I never realized until now, that we aren't just naturally born with it. :) ha, my bad. I thought we were. So, I guess I have a million things I wish I could parent better on so can I just get a sub? ha ha. I will sit on the bench and watch for a bit how it is done, and then step back in once I get the hang of it. I guess after all that, what I'm trying to say is, I love my job. I love serving the Lord. And I know we all have room to grow especially me, as a parent. (Which is probably pretty typical).
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